Perforated Stone Objects in the Oceania Collection of the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest

The author of this paper studied 59 perforated stone objects in the Oceania collection of the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest


The Nubian Levallois technology in central Syria


The Nubian Levallois technology in central Syria in the context of the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transitional period and the IUP variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Levant



Convergence in the Design of Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Ethnographic Projectile Points


The concurrent results allow us to hypothesize a regional site cluster based on Levallois reduction and a common occurrence of Keilmesser



Litikum is the yearly published journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable that unites prehistorians and archaeologists in Hungary, those are interested in lithic studies. The Roundtable organizes annual meetings as a forum for presenting on-going research, new approaches and methods related to lithic analysis.

Current volume

The Nubian Levallois technology in central Syria in the context of the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transitional period and the IUP variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Levant
Yuri E. Demidenko, Jean-Marie Le Tensorer, Vera von Falkenstein-Wirth

Pdf Article page

Publication of articles in volume 11 is in progress.