Flint artefacts from Rivne (Ukraine) in the collection of the District Museum in Toruń

Beata Bielińska-Majewska*

* Department of Archaeology, District Museum in Toruń, ul. Św Jakuba 20a, 87-100 Toruń (Poland), Email: bmmajewscy@gmail.com

Cite as Bielińska-Majewska, B. (2015) Flint artefacts from Rivne (Ukraine) in the collection of the District Museum in Toruń. Litikum – Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable, 3, pp. 39–45. https://doi.org/10.23898/litikuma0011

Abstract. The aim of this publication is to present and illustrate selected bifacial products from amongst the flint artefacts from Rivne (Ukraine) that are a part of the collection of the Toruń District Museum’s Archaeological Department. There is no data on their exact origin or the circumstances in which they were collected, thus analysing them we have to be very cautious. By means of typological and comparative classification we can define them as Late Neolithic to Bronze Age.

This study was presented at the 11th SKAM Lithic Workshop: the multifaceted biface – Bifacial technology in Prehistory. 20th-22nd of October, 2014, Miskolc, Hungary. The conference papers are published in the Litikum Journal volumes as special contributions. Informations about the conference as well as the abstract book are available on the SKAM 2014 website: http://skam.pannontenger.hu

Keywords: Volhynian flint, bifacial products, Rivne (Ukraine), museum collections

Data availability statement: The author confirms that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.

Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Funding statement: The author received no financial support for the research and/or the publication of this article.

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