Open-air site complex with leaf-points at Szécsénke (Cserhát Mountains, Northern Hungary), Preliminary results

Attila Péntek*

* Independent researcher, 2143 Kistarcsa, Késmárki u. 27.

Cite as Péntek, A. (2015). Open-air site complex with leaf-points at Szécsénke (Cserhát Mountains, Northern Hungary). Preliminary results. Litikum – Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable, 3, pp. 47–70.

Abstract. Based on extensive field surveys of the past decade the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Initial Upper Palaeolithic occupation was very intensive in the Cserhát Mountains. There are some very characteristic clusters in the site distribution. One of the important ones is those of in the vicinity of Legénd and Szécsénke villages. In this paper we will review the lithic material of an interpreted Palaeolithic site complex at Szécsénke village. The compound term „site complex“ does not necessary mean simultaneity of the affected sites, by this term rather a kind of techno-typological relation between the collected chipped stone assemblages will be stressed. The affected sites seem to have a Szeletian-like character which resembles the well researched Moravian Szeletian. On the base of the raw material utilization and of techno-typological considerations a kind of intra-cultural development can be observed.

This study was presented at the 11th SKAM Lithic Workshop: the multifaceted biface – Bifacial technology in Prehistory. 20th–22nd of October, 2014, Miskolc, Hungary. The conference papers are published in the Litikum Journal volumes as special contributions. Informations about the conference are available on the SKAM 2014 website:

Keywords: Cserhát Mountains, Northern Hungary, felsitic porphyry, leaf-shaped tool, Micoquian-Bábonyian industry, Szeletian industry, site complex, settlement dynamics, landscape use pattern

Data availability statement: The author[s] confirm[s] that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials.

Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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