Complex study of the Acsa-Rovnya endscrapers. Surface collections in the reconstruction of Upper Palaeolithic land use

Attila Király

Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, 4/B Múzeum Krt., Budapest, 1088 Hungary; E-mail:, ORCiD:

Cite as: Király, A. (2023). Complex study of the Acsa-Rovnya endscrapers. Surface collections in the reconstruction of Upper Palaeolithic land use. In A. Király (Ed.), From tea leaves to leaf-shaped tools. Studies in honour of Zsolt Mester on his sixtieth birthday (pp. 231–257). Lithic Research Roundtable & Institute of Archaeological Sciences, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

Abstract: The majority of Upper Palaeolithic sites in Hungary consist of surface artefact scatters with poor chronostratigraphic control. However, the technological, morphometric and taphonomic characteristics of the finds, as well as their geographical location constitute valuable data for regional-scale land use models. The Acsa-Rovnya Early Upper Palaeolithic site is considered an aggregation site or basecamp due to its numerous finds, the dominance of endscrapers, and its strategic location. The duration of its occupation and the archaeological-taxonomic identity of its users are yet to be known. I investigated the dominant tool type of the site, endscrapers, to explain their variability by chronological, taxonomic or functional reasons. Based on morphometry and production methods, I classified these tools with the help of hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC). The results show that the typologically diverse set can be the result of similar tool production methods and usage. This result confirms the view about the similar function of the site in the landscape through the ages, whether it was used by groups classified into one or more culture-taxonomical units.

Keywords: Upper Palaeolithic, Acsa-Rovnya, Endscrapers, Cluster analysis, Land use

I thank András Markó (Hungarian National Museum) for enabling the research of the find material, József Puskás and Erika Kovács (Hungarian National Museum) for their help with access, and last but not least, thanks to Attila Péntek for his help and steadfast work in the field.

Data availability statement: The author confirms that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.

Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Funding statement: The author received no financial support for the research and/or the publication of this article.

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