Leaf Point finds from Zemplín Hills Area, Eastern Slovakia

Adriána Voľanská*

* Institute of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Presov, 17. novembra 1, 080 01 Prešov, E-mail: adriana.volanska@smail.unipo.sk

Cite as Voľanská, A. (2016). Leaf Point finds from Zemplín Hills Area, Eastern Slovakia. Litikum – Journal of the Lithic Research Roundtable, 4, pp. 13–22. https://doi.org/10.23898/litikuma0015

Abstract. Dr. M. Iľko was the first who paid attention to knapped stone industries on the Western edge of the Zemplín Hills (Slovakia). The collection of Palaeolithic artifacts come from the cadastres of the villages Čerhov and Veľká Tŕňa (Trebišov district). Among these, five bifacial leaf points found at the archaeological sites Pod hečkou, Pod vinicami (Čerhov) and Hečka (Veľká Tŕňa) require special attention. Two points were made of flint (Hečka and Pod vinicami), one of limnosilicite (Pod hečkou) and of radiolarite (Pod hečkou). Collections of knapped stone industries from the above mentioned sites provide circumstantial evidence on Szeletian/Aurignacian settlements of this region.

This study was presented at the 11th SKAM Lithic Workshop: the multifaceted biface – Bifacial technology in Prehistory. 20th-22nd of October, 2014, Miskolc, Hungary. The conference papers are published in the Litikum Journal volumes as special contributions. Informations about the conference as well as the abstract book are available on the SKAM 2014 website: http://skam.pannontenger.hu

Keywords: Late Middle Palaeolithic, upper palaeolithic, Aurignacian, Szeletian, leaf points

Data availability statement: The author confirms that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.

Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Funding statement: This study was done as a part of the scientific grant agency KEGA „Miesto Slovenska v pravekých a včasnohistorických dejinách Európy Projekt č. 026PU-4/2015. „The Place of Slovakia in the Prehistoric and Early Historic Period of Europe“ Project no. 026PU-4/2015.

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